28 July 2011

what a delicious day

I spent yesterday with Sina (We're friends since kindergarden. Did I ever tell you about her?) in Cologne! It was really really wonderful, even though I spent too much money. We drank too much coffee (damn you, adorable Starbucks!) and did not eat enough but nevertheless, it was really nice day. We strolled around a few shops like Accessorize, H&M and more but our main goals were a cute little café named Royal Cupcakes where you can eat the most delicious cupcakes in the whole world and an also cute little shop called Törtchen Törtchen where you can buy those adorable macarons! I know, they're not Ladurée but still, they're wonderful. If you live in or near Cologne I highly recommend you to visit those places. I bought some nice things. You can see them on a picture further down.

Gestern war ich mit Sina (Wir sind Freunde seit dem Kindergarten. Hab ich euch je von ihr erzählt?) in Köln! Es war ganz wundervoll, auch wenn ich zu viel Geld ausgegeben habe. Wir haben viel zu viel Kaffee getrunken (Sei verflucht, Starbucks!) und dabei zu wenig gegessen aber nichtsdestotrotz war es ein sehr schöner Tag. Wir sind durch einige Geschäfte gestromert, aber unsere Hauptziele waren ein süßes kleines Café mit dem Namen Royal Cupcakes, wo man einfach die besten Cupcakes der Welt essen kann, und ein süßer kleiner Laden namens Törtchen Törtchen, wo man diese fabelhaften Macarons kaufen kann! Ich weiß, sie sind nicht von Ladurée aber trotzdem wundervoll. Wenn ihr in oder nahe Köln wohnt, geht da mal hin! Das empfehle ich euch wärmstestestens. Ich hab auch ein paar nette Dinge erstanden. Die seht ihr weiter unten auf einem Bild.

xx Katie

Some street musicians. They played the Summer of The Four Seasons by Vivaldi. It was beautiful.

Macarons from Törtchen Törtchen, €25 App Store Card, Top and Skirt from American Apparel, Jacket from H&M

26 July 2011

finally, the prom photos

There they finally are. The photos of Karl and me in our Prom outfits. I still don't have all the photos but I was tired of waiting and decided to post the photos I have!
They're taken by Thorsten Kohlhaas.
The dress I'm wearing is from ModCloth. I absolutely love their shop and I was so glad that I finally(using that word a lot in this post, haha) had a reason to order something. I also got my shoes from there which you unfortunately cannot see on the pictures. I love this dress. I want to wear it again but there is no occasion coming up. So sad!

In two weeks I'll finally know where I'll go to university. I'm sick and tired of waiting and doing nothing! Besides that, Karl and I are looking for a flat or little house which turned out to be way more difficult than we expected. We cannot find anything. Well, you see, these months are pretty live changing! I'll keep you updated.

xx Katie

P.S. I've been thinking about writing this blog in English AND German. German is my mother tongue and I feel like I should pay a little respect by writing in it, too. What do you think?

14 July 2011

it's all over now

I'm the Harry Potter Generation. I grew up with the books and later the movies and like that I grew up with Harry, Ron, Hermione and all the other characters. Harry Potter was a huge part of my childhood. And now it's over. Yesterday night I watched the very last movie, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2. The movie was absolutely brilliant and I needed quite a lot of tissues (I cried for about 45 minutes and just couldn't stop).
It sounds corny and way too sentimental but with the end of this last movie it felt like a really big part of my childhood came to an end.
Hogwarts was the one and only school I always desired to go to!

Well, and now there's only one thing left to say:

xx Katie

P.S. All pictures via weheartit.