25 October 2012

be the change

Yes, change. Change is nice. Everything is currently changing in my life and I really don't have the time or the muse to post anymore. I don't want to delete this blog. It's just going to sleep.

But I set up a little Tumblr Inspiration Blog, on which I will post a lot if you want to see what's currently inspiring me or to see what I like. I'll also post my Instagram photos there! So this is pretty much the new thing. Less stress.

Thank you for sticking with me. I love you.

xx Katie

05 September 2012

this is epic


Because, Ladies and Gentlemen, these are my first ever very own point shoes. I've been dancing ballet for about a year now and I am so proud that I am finally ready to learn to dance en pointe
I know it's going to be hard but that's a price I am willing to pay.

xx Katie

28 August 2012

can't think of a proper title


Yes, it's an Instagram post again. Nothing exciting happened. I had some exams at Uni and for a few weeks now I've been doing absolutely nothing but geeking around with my friends and dancing my feet off. Well, you know. The usual stuff.
Enjoy this little photo diary of my last weeks.

xx Katie

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What are you looking at? 1. Pusheen plushie some friends got me for my birthday. 2. Breakfast at Uni. 3. Kiara controls the TV. 4. Karl and I took a wald through the "Wildpark". I swear, these beauties were talking to us! 5. Something I wore for I don't remember what. 6. This hairstyle took forever. I'm so bad at doing hair and make up and stuff. So I was pretty proud. 7. I finally got myself a Magic Mouse! Now I can start playing Team Fortress 2 on my MacBook. Yay. 8. Sleepy kitty. 9. Sina, Björn and I visited the Pixar exhibition in Bonn. It was incredible. Definitely recommend it! And I think I'll go there again. 10. Emilie Autumn's new record. It is a masterpiece of music. Absolutely breathtaking. 11. Again, something I wore someday. I am strangely in love with this outfit. 12. We had a heat wave. It was way too hot for Kiara, too. 13. Ready to go to the pool. Heat wave, remember? 

04 July 2012

jag gillar inte att läser.

What you see there is pretty much what my life consist of right now. Learning, writing, university stuff.
Right now I'm at university learning Swedish for my exam on monday. But since I'm quite tired and I wanted to try out this iPad app for blogging I'm sending you a quick hello.
Well, hello!
A question for you English people? Would it be very insane to come to London in August? I mean because of Olympia. I really want to go back this year and this month might just be my only chance.

xx Katie

15 June 2012

i forgot my camera

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Yes, I really did. Last weekend I visited the incredibly beautiful city of Dresden together with my choir and I really forgot my camera! Thank god I'm an Instagram addict, so I still could take a lot of photos. I'm showing you my favorite ones here.
If you ever have the chance to visit Dresden, I highly recommend it. I was absolutely blown away by the beauty of this wonderful city.
And I added an Instagram badge to my sidebar here. My name is cosmocat_. If you have any recommendations who to follow for my, please let my know in the comments.

Ja, das habe ich wirklich. Letztes Wochenende war ich mit meinem Chor in der unfassbar schönen Stadt Dresden und ich habe allen Ernstes meine Kamera vergessen. Gott sei Dank bin ich besessen von Instagram und konnte trotzdem viele Fotos machen. Ich zeige euch hier mal meine Favoriten.
Wenn ihr mal die Möglichkeit habt Dresden zu besuchen, tut es! Ich war völlig baff, wie schön es da ist.
Ich hab außerdem ein Instagram Badge an der Seite hinzugefügt. Mein Name ist cosmocat_. Wenn ihr irgendwelche Empfehlungen habt, wem ich folgen sollte, lasst es mich in den Kommentaren wissen.

xx Katie

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What are you looking at? 1. Can't survive without it. 2. Goethe and Schiller monument in Weimar. 3. The text on the sheet says "Don't park your bike here." Thought that to be funny. 4. "Hippies! Always these Hippies!" 5.-8. Beautiful buildings in the old city. 9. Me looking terrible in front of one of them. 10. Flowers on a table in some restaurant. 11. They played the "Bolero" quite beautifully. 12. These two are REAL PEOPLE! 13. Sherlock sticker. Made my love Dresden even more. 14. Karl's and my photo box photos. We look so creepy on the last one.

06 June 2012

can't refuse


I know. Everybody does this. I've been using Instagram for a very long time now but I always refused to make this kind of posts. But one reason why don't post so often is that I actually never carry my camera around. I always complain how it's to heavy and big and so I always snap these nice little things with my iPhone which I never ever leave at home. So be prepared to see more Instagram posts in the future.

xx Katie

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What are you looking at? 1. Huge book about making the Harry Potter films. Loved it. 2. The inside of my lovely new necklace. 3. I finally got myself white Chucks! 4. My cat holding her little feet while sleeping. 5. She likes watching the village. 6. Free time at university. 7. Beautiful stuff in a shop in Daaden. Wanted to buy everything. 8. "The Night Circus". Maybe the best book I've ever read. If you haven't, I definitely recommend it! 9. I got a new car and I love it. Oh yes. 10. Karl and I are together for 31 months and 5 days. 11. Waiting for the bus. 12. Some British guy was selling posters at university. 

17 May 2012



Hello friends! Yes, I'm still alive. I turned 20 yesterday and had a lovely party with about 50 people of my friends and family. I really had the most wonderful time! And besides that I got the most incredible presents. ;)
Unfortunately I was too busy to take any photos during the party but I took a few of the buffet we had and in the middle of the night when pretty much everyone was already gone my friend Christian took a few funny ones of us. We were so tired and happy and everything at the same time. At least I was.
That's already it for today. I promise that I'll try to post more often!

xx Katie






19 March 2012

i was in london

Oh yes, I was. Is it necessary to say that I absolutely loved it? I'm really sad that I'm back and I definitely will come back. Even though my sister and I did a whole lot of tourist stuff we didn't manage to see all we wanted to. Well, I took 200 photos and it's absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to choose from them to post but I decided to show you one photo of the food department in Harrods. It's a crazy place. I felt like in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. 

Also, I spent a wonderful afternoon with the lovely Emma and her just as lovely flatmate Nadia. Thank you two again for being so wonderful! I'm already looking forward to seeing you again. x

You may see some photos of London. The week before I bought a nice and plastic shiny Diana F+ and took ten analogue photos. It was my first time ever taking analogue ones, so bear with my if they're absolutely terrible and I refuse to show you. 

What else is there to say? Well, I miss London. I think I'll need a little time to get used to being in the boring Westerwald again. No walking along Southbank every morning, no breakfast at EAT. and no Tube driving from A to B anymore.

Oh ja, das war ich. Ist es nötig zu sagen, dass ich es absolut geliebt habe? Ich bin wirklich traurig, dass ich wieder zurück bin und ich werde definitiv dorthin zurückkehren. Obwohl meine Schwester und ich sind ganzen Menge Touristenuzeugs gemacht haben, haben wir nicht alles gesehen, was wir wollten. Ich habe 200 Fotos geschossen und es ist absolut UNMÖGLICH, ein paar davon zum Posten auszusuchen, aber ich habe beschlossen, euch ein Foto aus der Lebensmittelabteilung von Harrods zu zeigen. Es ist ein echt verrückter Ort. Ich habe mich gefühlt wie in Willy Wonka's Schokoladenfabrik. 

Außerdem habe ich einen wundervollen Nachmittag mit der wunderbaren Emma und ihrer genauso wunderbaren Mitbewohnerin Nadia verbracht. Danke euch beiden noch mal dafür, dass ihr wo großartig ward! Ich freue mich jetzt schon darauf, euch wiederzusehen. x

Ihr seht vielleicht doch noch ein paar Fotos aus London. Die Woche vorher habe ich mir einen schöne Diana F+ gekauft und zehn analoge Fotos gemacht. Es war mein erstes analoges Mal, also verzeiht mir, falls sie schrecklich geworden sind und ich sie euch nicht zeigen will.

Was sonst noch? Ich vermisse London. Ich denke, ich brauche ein bisschen Zeit, um mich wieder daran zu gewöhnen, im langweiligen Westerwald zu sein. Nicht mehr jeden Morgen Southbank entlang laufen, im EAT. frühstücken und mit der Tube von A nach B fahren.

xx Katie

23 January 2012

chasing cotards

I'm quick at posting this month, aren't I?
You know I am absolutely Sherlock obsessed. Seriously, I'm pretty much a Sherlock maniac. Ask my friends. So I follow the brilliant website Sherlockology on Twitter and Facebook. A while ago they posted the link to this website and promoted a short film named "Chasing Cotards" with the amazing Andrew Scott who played James Moriarty in Sherlock.
So I paid the 1,80€ and watched it. I watched it and I cried. This short film is of such magnificent beauty that you don't really how to feel. So please, don't be grasping, spend this ridiculously small amount of money and witness this indescribable beauty. You won't regret it. Promise.

Ich bin ziemlich schnell im Posten diesen Monat, oder? 
Ihr wisst ja, dass ich absolut besessen von Sherlock bin. Ernsthaft. Fragt meine Freunde. Ich folge der brillanten Website Sherlockology bei Twitter und Facebook. Vor einer Weile haben sie den Link zu  dieser Website gepostet und einen Kurzfilm namens "Chasing Cotards" mit dem wunderbaren Andrew Scott, der bei sherlock James Moriarty gespielt hat, promotet.
Also hab ich die 1,80€ bezahlt und ihn angeschaut. Ich habe ihn angeschaut und ich habe geweint. Dieser Kurzfilm ist so unfassbar schön, dass man gar nicht so recht weiß, wie man sich fühlen soll. Also bitte, seid nicht geizig, zahlt den lächerlich niedrigen Preis und seid Zeugen solch unbeschreiblicher Schönheit. Ihr werdet es nicht bereuen. Versprochen.

xx Katie

P.S. I know it's almost two years old but I only recently discovered it trough Sherlockology.

19 January 2012

sometimes i sing

You may know that sometimes I dance. For a few years now in my Musical group, ballet and through our living room. What you may not know, is that I also sing! I have a band with a few friends and we cover nice songs.
Well, we rehearsed again last week and decided to film some of our acoustic songs. And here they are. I have to say that it was really spontaneous, that's why I look like crap in my huge Dublin hoodie, without any make up and with weird hair.
As I am never satisfied with what I do, I don't like my singing in these but I really, really hope that you like it, though. Please tell me what you think!

Guitar: Philipp
Cajon: Jannik
iPhone 4 being a camera holder: Sebastian
You don't see him but he usually plays the bass: Marius

Ihr wisst vielleicht, dass ich manchmal tanze. Seit ein paar Jahren in meinem Musical Verein, Ballett und durch unser Wohnzimmer. Was ihr vielleicht nicht wisst, ist dass ich außerdem singe! Ich habe eine Band mit ein paar Freunden und wir covern schöne Lieder.
Letzte Woche hatten wir wieder Probe und haben und spontan dazu entschieden, ein paar unserer Akustiksongs zu filmen. Und hier sind sie. Ich muss sagen, es war sehr spontan und deshalb sehe ich auch so vergammelt aus, mit meinem Dublin Pulli, ohne Make-Up und mit komischen Haaren.
Da ich ja niemals mit dem, was ich tue, zufrieden bin, mag ich mein Gesinge hier auch nicht, aber ich hoffe sehr, dass es euch gefällt. Bitte sagt mir, was ihr denkt!

xx Katie