31 December 2011

showing around my christmas presents while saying goodbye to 2011


So this is 2011, right? It has been a wonderful year with a whole lot of big changes in my life. 2012 is promising to be even better, for I'm planning on visiting 3 of the biggest cities in the world: Paris, London (for the first time! anyone up for a little meeting?), New York. Karl and I may finally find a flat and live together and I'll be in the middle of my studies at Uni Siegen. Sounds quite exciting, doesn't it?

I got some really really lovely christmas presents and I love them so much that I just have to show them to you!

This is what Karl got me. I freaked out. It's the whole Harry Potter series on Blu-Ray in this most awesome wooden box with the Eldar wand on top. There were only 4000 of them and Karl really got one.

This is what my parents got me. A pretty, golden Fossil watch. I love it and I think it suits me so well. I feel twice as pretty when ever I wear it.

This is what my godfather, his wife and his daughter, who's at the same time my goddaughter's mum, got me. The Harry Potter books in English! Hardcover and in a pretty box. Now I can finally read them how they were originally written. I only owned them in German so far.

And these books I got from Karls family. It's "The Vintage Tea Party Book" (if you read the most wonderful WishWishWish, you know it), "Der perfekte Kleiderschrank" (translated: The perfect closet) by Nina Garcia, a Cupcake Decoration Set and a Cupcake recipe book (you cannot see it, sorry).

And my sister got my a lovely make-up bag, a necklace and a sculpture named "The Dancer". I didn't take photos of these ones. I actually don't know why. Maybe I will later on. We'll see.

And this is it. The last post for 2011. Thank you for reading this blog and I hope I'll see you again next year. Have a wonderful New Year's Eve tonight! And don't forget to watch "Sherlock" tomorrow. I have to wait until Monday. It will be hard to avoid Twitter tomorrow night if I don't want to read any spoilers, won't it?

I love you.

xx Katie

EDIT:P.S. The very first picture shows what I wore New Year's Eve.


  1. Guten Rutsch meine Süße!

    Und ach du scheiße das BluRay Set ist unfuckingfassbar genial!!! Ich bin sowas von neidisch


  2. muah,ich würd den ganzen tag mit dem elder stab spielen und imaginär gegen voldemort kämpfen!

    übrigens sind die englischen bücher waymuch better als die übersetzungen!viele kleine witze wurden zB schlecht übersetzt.oder wieso ron sich tot lacht über lavenders uranus im geburts-sternenbild! XD

  3. Perfect gifts! I am in complete envy of your HP box set with the eldar wand :) I am a huge HP fan as well! Hope you enjoy the books! X

  4. I'm such a Potter obsessive, so I appreciate your gifts. I am envious of your Luna-like looks ;) Have followed your lovely blog and placed a link to it on mine - fellow potterites deserve attention!


  5. Stunning Fossil Watch!

