24 December 2010

the obligatory post

Frohe Weihnachten!

Merry Christmas!

20 December 2010

kitty and goulding

I just annoyed my cat making stupid photos of her.

But now let me show you a video of a wonderful artist! I'm talking about Ellie Goulding.
It's an unplugged live version of "Starry Eyed". It's so beautiful. I am totally impressed by her voice. You just have to listen to it!

By the way, click HERE and listen to her version of Elton John's "Your Song". It's also beautiful but I had problems posting it.

birthday cupcakes for my love

Yesterday was my dearest boyfriend's birthday!
I made him some cupcakes. They look like it was a 5 year old girl's birthday but I made them with love!
He's 28 now. That's why there is a 28 on one of the cakes.

Not the best pictures, I know. I had to hurry and didn't have the time to make perfect capcake photos. ;)

17 December 2010


I just made a portrait of my mum.

Made with available light. I hope, you like them!

15 December 2010

the ability to make people happy

I know a man with that ability. The german ones of you probably know him, too! I am talking about Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen! Doctor, comedian, TV host, book author and many things more.

Jacket + Scarf – Abercrombie&Fitch
Trousers – Topshop
Boots – Bullboxer

I saw him yesterday live in Hachenburg with his latest show "Liebesbeweise" (english: proofs of love / get tickets here). I already loved his books because they really do make happy! I really recommend you to read his books, go to his show oder just listen to a show on CD.
I'd see him live anytime again. It's absolutely worth it!

I bought this program on CD and had a card signed. Take a look.

There is by the way one promised outfit with the Bullboxer boots ! I hope you like it.

14 December 2010

Where to read my latest post

The wonderful Toni from SSSSHT.com offered me to do this Guest Post which you can find, if you click HERE!

Thank you so much for that opportunity, Toni!

Image via Google.

10 December 2010

When I'm grown up...

...I want to live like this. It's PERFECT! I can't even tell how perfect I think this is.

Photos via IKEA (yes, indeed IKEA)
Saw that inspiration first on Song of Style, a gorgeous blog!

05 December 2010

fat bird

This is the fattest bird, isn't it? I laughed for about 30 minutes because this bird is so fat. Just had to show you that!

And here are the promised better photos of Norway and Ribbons.

Karl took the photos of me. Thank you, my love.

04 December 2010

a little tip

Do you know this?
Somebody shows you a band. The first five minutes you think 'yes, it's good music'. After ten more minutes you wanna listen to them a little more.
And than it happens. You are ADDICTED. So, do you know this?
I feel like that about A Perfect Circle. About two weeks ago a friend of mine showed them to me and by now I can't stop listening to them.
It's psychedelic, the lyrics are fantastic. Listen to them. Just do it.

And now I want to try something out.
LOOKBOOK.nu offers this hype button in blogs and I want to try out if it works. So here's a pretty old outfit.

03 December 2010

norway and ribbons

It's a bad quality, I know. I took that photo with my iPhone because my camera was nowhere to be found...
I love that outfit. It's exactly what I want my style to be like. I absolutely love that Norway design and ribbons are always adorable! It's my favorite skirt and my favorite cardigan and like that it's my favorite outfit! What a surprise. I think I'll take some better pictures some day.

Skirt – Urban Outfitters
Shirt – Hollister Co.
Cardigan – Abercrombie & Fitch
Tights – Falke